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Suzanne Somers on stem cell surgery

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Suzanne Somers on stem cell surgery: "We're not that far away from being able to regrow limbs"

This evening "Piers Morgan Tonight" welcomed actress and author Suzanne Somers for an endearing and engaging primetime exclusive.
Well-known for her television roles as Chrissy Snow on "Three's Company" and Carol Lambert on "Step by Step," Somers opened up about her recent bout with breast cancer, detailing her choice to fore-go radiation in favor of alternative treatment:
"They took the fat from my stomach – boo hoo – and, this is in lay speak, in a sophisticated technology like a centrifuge, whipped it around at supersonic speed, and extracted my stem cells, separated them, cleaned them, discarded the weak ones, took the strong stem cells in a small amount of that fat, made it rich with my stem cells and then, again, for lack of a better term, took a turkey baster and injected into this breast, and poof! Wow!"

The face – and legs – behind the infamous infomercials for Thighmaster, Somers told Piers Morgan that her type of surgery may be the first step in tremendous medical progress:
"It is the blood vessels and the nerve growing," said the 65-year-old Somers. "To me, the ramifications of what this can mean for the future uses of stem cells, I think of our enlisted people and we're not that far away from being able to regrow limbs. I hope this just opens the door a little bit."
Watch the clip, and listen to the interview, as the author of the new book “Bombshell: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Define Aging” shared specific details about how her body looks, and feels, today.  Paste on your browser:

Posted: 5/8/2012 4:20:46 PM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Cancer, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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