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SANDI's TRIUMPH OVER Multiple Sclerosis + Hearing Disorders (Tinnitus)

Weekly update - March 26, 2010

The ongoing saga of Sandi's story of perseverance and triumph over Multiple Sclerosis in her own words: 
"little improvements - i was able to buy new tenny-shoes. most all shoes made have a rubber tread running up the toe of the shoe. this is REALLY bad for my walking 'cuz that's what makes me fall alot of the time - well, no longer = silly i know, but finally i can have new tenny-runners:)   my new shoes with a super tread on the sole has shown me how i am incorrectly walking. when walkng on the treadmill - i guess i kinda shuffle my feet 'cuz with the new shoes i make a lot of squishch squishch sound - so now i hafta practice walking by really picking my feet up. (u know it woulda been so much easier if i could have found a pt to tell me what i was doing wrong rather than discovering it myself)
the other morning after i had finished my oversized huge mug of tea and was getting ready to go to lunch - i realized i hadn't made a bathroom break since before i left to go to work. it was a really pleasant suprise.......fairly normal during my afternoon shifts - but never my morning ones.
i was able to stand on one leg for about 20 seconds. that was monumental in my world. hopefully i will be able to do it on the other leg, too.......and whenever i want to w/o thinking about it."
For a refresher on Sandi's condition and where it all started:
In January 09’ Sandi had lived half of her life with Multiple Sclerosis, had inconclusive data on another significant medical issue and had conducted her own research to find stem cell treatment for herself.  Sandi did a very admirable research job and in the end, she chose a fine treatment center (prior to her ever contacting me).  While I mentioned that she might end up at a different treatment center that specializes in both her MS and the other condition she “might” have…I was happy to simply provide her with information on studies and trials she might need and be a friend during her journey towards treatment. 
Unfortunately, over the next 6 months Sandi’s treatment was canceled and rescheduled a number of times due to her additional (inconclusive) medical issue.  The emotional roller-coaster ride took a huge toll on Sandy and while she advocated for herself and battled valiantly…she was ultimately rejected from her chosen treatment center and her hopes of ever finding a treatment center to treat her were severely diminished. 
By the time Sandi turned to me and RSCI to help find her a new treatment center; rejection, despair and uncertainty had already crushed her normally optimistic attitude.  Working together with me and RSCI, Sandi finally found the assistance she was looking for and was subsequently treated at one of RSCI’s recommended treatment centers.  Sandi’s journey is an amazing story of determination, victory over seemingly insurmountable obstacles and one from which I know I learned as much from her as she did from me and RSCI.  Here is a quick recent message from Sandi (in her own words) that details merely ONE of the many symptoms of MS that has been positively affected by her treatment:
“I've never really discussed or admitted to the tinnitus I have had in both ears forever....just a nuisance nothing too troubling.  It usually just showed up when going to sleep when everything was super quiet.  Last night while falling asleep I noticed that there was NO ringing in my right ear at all!!!! Way cool :)  I also find that there is an energy that hasn't been there for 26yrs - everyone really noticed at work this afternoon :)  I took pics - I will send them when I have time. As always = THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!” Sandi - Jan, 2010

Posted: 3/26/2010 6:53:37 AM by Don Margolis | with 0 comments
Filed under: Multiple Sclerosis, Research, Stem Cells, Therapy, Treatment

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